Black Community Brain Washed

It is a shame that so many in the black community have been brain washed … and the saddest thing of all is they were brain washed and lied to by their own.

The black community has been told that the only way they will be treated equally is if they point out the fact that they are black and to claim racism before anyone else.  They are feed key words like “systemic inequality” and run with it.

The black community feels they must point out that BLACK LIVES MATTER but if someone says All Live Matter that person is called a racist.

They must have their own television channels and entertainment awards.

They must have their own colleges.

They must have their own national awareness month.

They must have their own dating sites

They must have their own bars and clubs.

They have been programmed to check the little block that says “Black”

Truth and lies from a Black President-

Barack Obama; a past senator and then president told the black citizens of the United States that they were not good enough to act any better than that of a protester, rioter, destroyer, robber, and murder.  He made excuses for their bad behavior; he told them their behavior was alright, because that is as good as they were. Barack Obama also lied about being black!  Barack Obama is in fact he is a mulatto, which is a person of mixed white and black ancestry or parents.  He also failed to point out that his black family NEVER suffered from slavery at the hands of anyone in the United States of America.  He made claims of being treated differently in college but fails to mention that the reason he could have been treated differently is because he claimed to be a foreign student! 

Barack Obama spent most of his life separated from his mother and father which could be the reason he became an angry person.  He choose not to learn the early history of the black man in the United States because it was not his history, it did not belong to him.  Since he had no true history he pretended to be a black man of the United States of America and through his pretense he spread his hatred of the United States of America.  If he had taken the time to learn the true history of the black person in the United States of America he would have found true survivors and great people who overcame their struggles and succeeded in life.

A short history lesson –

The people of color have been feed many false narratives as who enslaved them first and then to how long they were slaves in the United States of America –

  1. the first colony was founded in America in 1607 and from that time until July 4, 1776 the colonists were under the rule of England.  
  2. The first black slaves were brought to America in 1619 by an English privateer ship. These slaves were African slave whose master sold them to the English.
  3.  To show, just one example, that not all blacks were not mistreated and/or remained slaves until Lincoln’s proclamation, in 1821 Thomas L. Jennings was granted a patent for his methods of dry cleaning and bought his freedom.
  4. On September 22, 1862; against the wants and desires of the Democrats; President Lincoln issued a presidential proclamation and executive order freeing slaves. It became effective January 1, 1863. 
  5. The 13th Amendment was ratified on December 6, 1865 and the slaves were freed. 
  6. Between 1867 and 1877 the USA went through the Reconstruction Era.  On February 3, 1870 the black man was given the right to vote. 
  7. In 1870 Hiram Rhodes Revels  became the first black man elected to Congress and during the next 10 years 22 black men served in Congress and 2 served in the Senate.

So in recap – the first 157 years of slavery in this country, now known as the United States of America, slavery was at the hands of England’s government. The next 85 years of slavery in this country was allowed by the government of the United States of America.  The next 158 year, which brings us to 2020 black men and women have been free.  This means the black man has been free more than 1 ½ times longer than they were slaves under the government of the United States of America.

400 Years and Reparations

Millionaire black men and women are telling the ordinary black person; every day; that they need to be taken care of, they need the government to subsidize their living and that they need hand outs.  The ordinary black man has been told for generations that they were victims for 400 years, 400 years is also being yelled.  Well actually the United States government is only responsible for 85 years and those only for those blacks that did not become free until January 1, 1863.  If you have issues with what happened prior to July 4, 1776 take it up with England.

The ordinary black person has been told; every day; for generations that they are victims and they are owed.  Reparations… reparations, is what is being yelled…  Well, the United States has been paying reparations since the 1960s, it is called subsidized housing, food stamps, welfare, free medical….

Black Athletes and Actors/Actresses

There are black athletes and actors/actresses making millions of dollars a year and telling other blacks that they are owed.  Really; what are the athletes/actors/actresses doing that warrants their million dollar salaries.  Do you realize that those athletes/actors/actresses could say “I will take a cut in pay if you reduce the price of the tickets so more of my fans can afford to come and see me”??? Those athletes/actors/actresses make public appearances to keep their faces in the public eye not to help the ordinary black person. 

Black Politicians

There are black politicians who owe millions of dollars in income taxes, but demand that the ordinary black person is owed.  If the politician feels the ordinary black person is owed why doesn’t he give them the millions he owes the government, better yet why doesn’t he just pay his taxes.  Then we have the politicians who are taking kick-backs from construction, road work and building leases and contracts, these kick-backs are coming out of the pockets of the people of that city and state. 

You have people of your own color robbing you blind and you protect them, you shelter them, you hide their sins, because they tell you that you are owed and they will help you get what you are owed.  All the while they are robbing you blind.

 Instead of focusing on the fact that people want you to believe that you are a victim ask yourself why you aren’t being encouraged to be a survivors???

Survivors succeed while victims stay in the past…

Successful men and women of color include:

African American Inventors/Patent Holders –

Thomas L. Jennings; Marie Van Brittan Brown (home security system); Jan Ernst Matzeliger (shoe lasting machine), Henry Blair (seed planter), Lewis Howard Latimer (patent draftsman for the lightbulb and telephone), Otis Boykin (wire precision resistor), Sarah E. Goode, George Washington Carver, Garrett Morgan (three position traffic signal), Elijah McCoy (57 patents re: lubrication of steam engines, Lonnie Johnson (aerospace engineer), Granville Woods (60 patents re: trains and streetcars), Alexander Miles (opening and closing elevator doors), Andrew Jackson Beard (automatic railroad car coupler), Richard Spikes (beer tap and automobile directional signals to name a few) 

African American Military  –

Cathay Williams, Hazel Johnson-Brown, Rosco Robinson Jr., Clifford L. Alexander Jr., Della H. Raney, Benjamin O. Davis, Henry Ossian Flipper, William Carney, Colin Powell, Vincent K. Brooks, Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson,

Influential African American Women –

Katherine Johnson, Condoleezza Rice, Candace Owen, Ineitha Lynnette Hardaway, Herneitha Rochelle Hardaway Richardson…

and the lists goes on….

STOP BELIEVING THAT YOU ARE A VICTIM AND BEGIN TO SEE YOURSELF AS A SURVIOR as your forefathers truly were, remember the successful men and women who came before you and opened many doors for you to walk through if you have the courage ….

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